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This workshop builds on the Intro to SQL workshop.


We will cover intermediate database concepts and techniques. Specific topics include:

  • Database normalization (up to third normal form)
  • Types of relationships (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many)
  • Types of table joins (inner, outer, left, right)
  • Transactions and database integrity




This hybrid workshop will be held in person in the Dirac Instruction Room 208 and online via Zoom. Note: Due to staff constraints, we will be able to provide limited real-time support for live-stream viewers attending via Zoom.




Casey McLaughlin 


Virtual Participants--You MUST use your FSU email account to access this workshop through Zoom. Please ensure that your Zoom app is up to date before the workshop.  Check-in ends 10 minutes after the scheduled start time. 

In-person Participants: Please arrive at the workshop at least 5 minutes before the start time. Have your FSU Card ready for check-in. Check-in ends 10 minutes after the scheduled start time.


map of Dirac Instruction Lab (room 208)

Event Details