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The Blackstone LaunchPad Ideathon provides students with an opportunity to exercise their creative problem solving skills and win $100! Join us in the FSU Innvoation Hub on November 17th at 12:30 p.m. to compete for a chance to win. 

Sign up to pitch a feasible and impactful solution to the following Challenge: 

Our Challenge for November 17th

  • Given the growing interest in promoting biodiversity and protecting our oceans, how might we encourage people to create and maintain ocean-friendly gardens that support coastal ecosystems and contribute to the health of our seas?
    • Reframe this statemnent to identify areas of oceanic sustainability in which you might have an impact, then develop an innovative solution. Solutions may include physical inventions, services, systems, apps, etc. 

Pitch your solution Friday, November 17th at the Hub!

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