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113 Collegiate Loop, Tallahassee, FL
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Circle K International is the largest collegiate service organization in the country with chapters at Universities around the globe! We are a part of Kiwanis International, which includes organizations like Key Club, Builders Club, K-Kids, etc. So, if you were in Key Club in high school, then we are basically the college version! Here in Tallahassee, we work with a variety of local organizations to create the largest possible impact within the community. We host service events each week with ever-changing opportunities for service and fun!

Join us to hear about our upcoming service and social events!

And follow us on social media to stay up-to-date on upcoming events:

Meetings every Tuesday @6:30 PM.

If you cannot make it, but still want to be a member, we post our slides after the meeting on our Linktree.

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