About this Event
110 S Woodward Ave., Tallahassee, FL
https://fsu-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/alm22h_fsu_edu/ES-TuWQx7CJKoTYQ78Rmei4BE2oB8L9b0SKGexcfwcQctw?e=3gvlYg&CID=a57ec900-421d-d336-cac7-f59cd7fa83a7 #SustainableCampusFRN will be conducting research to find new farms for Farmlink to reach out to in order to expand its impact in collecting excess food from farms. To volunteer for this event, please use the sign-up sheet below! Since this volunteer event will be research-based, please make sure you have a phone or laptop with you.
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