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Florida State University's Student Support Services-STEM (SSS-STEM) program, part of the Center for Academic Retention and Enhancement (CARE), invites you to the FSU TRiO Conference taking place Feb. 22-23 in the William Johnston Building, Room G040. SSS-STEM will host prominent and engaging presenters to celebrate the legacy of first-generation students and TRiO programs. Participants will include other TRiO programs and students, faculty, and staff from Florida State University.

SSS-STEM is one of the eight federally funded TRIO programs designed to improve retention, graduation, financial literacy, and overall academic success rates for students majoring in Science, Technology, Engineering, or Math fields. FSU SSS-STEM helps meet these goals by providing academic and engagement activities for qualified students throughout their enrollment at FSU. SSS-STEM is fully funded by the U.S. Department of Education.

Attending FSU TRiO Day can satisfy the following SSS-STEM Requirements:

  • Career Planning
  • Cultural/DEI
  • Round Up Make Up 

Please RSVP as soon as possible and join us as we celebrate our educational advancement over the years:

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