Wednesday, January 9, 2019 12:30pm to 1:30pm
About this Event
Each summer FSU COL places 10-12 students with large companies headquartered in the southeast to work 9 weeks and earn 4-6 credits. Both 1Ls and 2Ls are eligible. Students learn to draft and review contracts, assist with compliance, and support the companies’ business units. On Wednesday, January 9, 12:30-1:30pm in Room 208 (Classroom Building), a panel of students who participated last summer will discuss their experiences, and Professors Sally Gertz and Richard Benham will be on hand to unveil the companies participating this summer and answer questions. Food will be served. Information also is available on Canvas. Go to the Canvas course FSU College of Law – Externships > Click on Program Descriptions > Business > In-House Corporate Counsel—Fortune 500 & Other Large Public Companies (Summer Program). If you’d like to join us for this event, please RSVP by Tuesday, January 8, at 12pm:
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