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The Leadership Book Club offers all students the opportunity to learn, reflect, and discuss leadership from all angles and perspectives. Being a leader starts with diving deeper into understanding who we are as an individual, how our values align with what we stand for, educating ourselves, and then how we decide to take all we have learned and put it into action. We hope that the leadership book club can offer a space where this exploration can take place. We hope you leave with a newfound understanding of yourself as a leader and how to contribute to the world around you. 

This semester's selection is Dare to Lead by Brené Brown. We will meet four times starting in October and ending in November. There will be a workbook to go along with your reading. We welcome all students to participate in this learning and reflection opportunity. Please use the link below to sign up. We hope to see you there!

Registration required. Sign up by Tuesday, Oct. 15 at 7:30 a.m. at

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