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113 Collegiate Loop, Tallahassee, FL

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Join the FSU College of Social Sciences and Public Policy as they host University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Professor of Philosophy Geoff Sayre-McCord, Ph.D., for a talk in the Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Lecture Series: "Price and Value."

A cynic, Lord Darlington explains in Lady Windermere’s Fan, is someone “who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.” To which, Cecil Graham counters that “a sentimentalist, my dear Darlington, is a man who sees an absurd value in everything and doesn’t know the market price of any single thing.”

 No doubt the value of something is crucially different than its market price. Yet there are deep, interesting and valuable connections between what is of value and market prices. In this talk, Dr. Sayre-McCord will explore those connections.

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