Sign Up
Grainger lot next to Einsteins, across from Health and Wellness Center

Students interested in renting bikes through the reCycle Bike program for the fall semester must complete these steps:
1) Fill out the rental contract via our new app here:
2) Be sure to click the sign-up link at the end of the rental contract to reserve your 30 minute bike pick-up appointment.
3) Arrive on time for your scheduled 30 minute appointment on January 23rd.

Face coverings (masks) will be required at bike distribution and no walk-ups will be allowed in order to maintain social distancing. We will be located at the Grainger lot across from the Health and Wellness Center and by Einstein Bros. 🚴‍♀️

Renters are not permitted to show up to the reCycle Bike Distribution at any time other than the time for which the renter signed up, for any reason. Failure to attend distribution during the self-selected time slot will result in the renter having to select a bike, if any are left, at a later date after the scheduled reCycle Bike Distribution.

Individuals who may be at higher risk or more vulnerable to illness from COVID-19 should reach out to to discuss bike rental options. Click here for more info:

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